Формування комунікативних компетентностей засобами інтерактивних технологій на уроках іноземної мови
У королівстві ABC (свято)
Тиждень іноземної мови.
Позакласний захід:
“Knowledge is power”
активізувати країнознавчі та мовні
навички учнів; розвивати навички колективної роботи, логічне мислення,
мовленнєву реакцію; розширювати кругозір учнів, виховувати інтерес до вивчення
англійської мови та культури.
T: Dear friends, guests and
participants! You are welcome to our competition. I’m glad to see you! How are
you today? Today we are having the English party. It will be a competition
between the pupils of the5-th,of the 6-th and the 7-th forms.
To begin with we must choose the
jury. Today our jury is Polina Kurhan and Anna Pliuta
And now let̕ s introduce the
participant. Think
of a name of your team and choose the captains.
The station of our competition
are as following:
1. Парад англійських літер. “Who knows
1). Хто перший напише
2). “Хто перший прочитає зашифроване слово з теми “Географія
Британії” ( за порядковим номером букв алфавіту)
А) 5, 14, 7, 12, 1, 14, 4 (England)
В) 20, 8,1, 13, 5, 19 (Thames)
3) Reading. Прочитайте слова кожного рядка. Візьміть з
першого слова першу літеру, з другого – другу, з трєтього – третю. Прочитайте
слово, що утворилося.
bird, farther, ball - (girl)
sad, camel, soup - (lamp)
bed, listen, bank –(desk)
2. «Лексична».
Remember and name.
1). Учні пишуть по п'ять
слів за темами: Родина, Подорож, Місяці, Дні тижня, Тварини, Шкільні предмети.
«Назви зайве слово».
Для кожного учасника звучить
чотири слова, серед яких він повинен назвати зайве, наприклад: spring, winter, Jаnuary, summer.
- Red,
blue, big, pink
- Desk, chair, table, room
Juice, tee, milk, salad
3). “Be quick”
Назвати якомога більше слів на
задану букву:
- спочатку кожна команда, хто більше за 1хв.,
- потім по черзі, виграє та команда, яка не
зупинилася і назвала найбільше слів.
4). Matching. «State Holidays in Ukraine. What holiday is it? ». Назвати свято.
January, 1 |
New Year̕̕ s Day |
January, 7 |
Christmas |
March, 8 |
Women̕ s Day |
April/ May |
Easter |
May, |
May Day |
June, 28 |
Constitution Day |
August, 24 |
Independence Day |
5). До якого розряду належить назване ведучим слово?
Учасники пояснюють значення
Ведучий Учень
The Thames a
Great Britain an island
Halloween a holiday
a university city
Elisabeth II a queen
a river
a season
dress clothes
Literature a
a food
Christmas a holiday
a president
German a language
Black a colour
Rose a flower
tennis sport
an animal
Mother and her children a family
mother and my father parents
3. «Орфографічна». Orthography.
1). Fill in the missing
letters. Вписати
пропущені літери:
b…tiful |
eau |
yoo |
uea |
eue |
br…kfast |
e |
a |
ea |
ee |
engine…r |
ee |
ei |
ie |
ea |
geogra…y |
ff |
ph |
fe |
pf |
5. sq…e |
wer |
ear |
uar |
ara |
6. tom…ow |
orr |
mor |
oor |
or |
fav…ite |
aur |
our |
eur |
are |
dau…ter |
ch |
sh |
gh |
th |
2). “Divide the words”. Роз’єднати слова.
- birdgirlcleanshelfroomchair
- lightpencilthinyardparkdirty
- textlampkittenbookpencar
- letter/boy/school/dirty/colour/pen
- bird/girl/clean/shelf/room/chair
- text/lamp/kitten/book/pen/car
3). Anagrams. Write the
words correctly. Скласти слово.
- nomyek (monkey) - uijec (juice)
- amfyli (family) - secehe (cheese)
- necpli (pencil) - ilkm (milk)
- iwtnre (winter)
- iferdn (friend)
- selsno (lesson)
4). «Correct the mistake». Виправи помилку.
Flet (flat), klok (clock), flaue
4. «Країнознавча»
В бухті стоять
кораблі дев'яти країн
Європи під своїми прапорами. Необхідно назвати ці країни.
США Німеччина Канада Британія
Україна Японія Ізраїль
Білорусія Китай Англія Турція
2). «Blitz – questions».
Your task is to answer to my questions very quickly.
Учасникам пропонуються питання з теми. Хто перший
дасть правильну відповідь, той перемагає:
What is the capital of
2. What is the capital of
3. How many stars are there on the
American flag? (50)
What colour are usually taxis in
What are the colours of the British flag? (Blue, red, white)
What is the symbol of
Who wrote “Robinson Crusoe”? (Daniel Defoe)
8. Who wrote the tragedy ’’ Romeo
and Juliet’’? (William Shakespeare)
What is the capital city of the
What is the
largest city in the
3). This kind of competition is called “Finishing
Учасникам пропонується без часу на роздуми закінчити речення:
1. The capital of the
2. The official language of
3. Ukrainians celebrate Christmas on …
4. The Beatles come from…,
English celebrate Christmas on …
6. The capital of
6). Конкурс капітанів. «The Captains’ competition.»
1. What kind of transport does Baba
Yaga use?
Stupa Train
Plane Trolley-bus
2. What is the most friendly cat's name?
Murzilka Matroskin
Leopold Tom
Where did Carlson live?
In the kitchen on the roof
In the room in
the hotel
What was the name of Buratino's father?
Duremar Dzhuzzeppo
Karlo Karabas
What was Tsvetik in "Neznaika"?
Doctor gardener
Poet writer
What month do people celebrate St. Valentine's
June March
January February
What was the postman's name in Prostakvashino?
Lavochkin Pechkin
Taburetkin Stulchikov
What river is
Hudson Dnipro
When do English people celebrate Christmas?
November December
January February
Who opened
Cook Przhevalsky
Columbus Magellan
Where was William Shakespeare
Oxford Stratford-on-Avon
12. Your teacher puts marks in it.
day-book magazine
pencil-books note-book
7). Загадки. «Riddles»
1. An old man has twelve children,
short, some long, some cold,
hot. What is this? ( A year )
2. It‘s blue by night,
By day
it is white.
It is
cold and not dry,
falls just from the sky. ( Snow)
3. Higher than a house,
than a tree;
whatever can that be? ( A star )
4. I can tell you all
the day
Time to sleep
And time to play. (A clock)
5. I am black, and red
And blue.
I draw a picture for you.
What am I …? (A pencil )
6. You have it,
You can read it,
There are many pictures in it.
What is it? (A book)
7. I
have a face.
I have a little hand.
I have a big hand.
My face is white.
My hands are black.
I have no feet,
But I can run. What am I? (A
8. I am big.
I am grey.
My nose is long,
My tail is short.
I am an... (elephant).
9. It is a big animal.
It eats grass.
It gives milk.
What is it? (A cow).
It is brown
It has got four legs
It sleeps in winter.
What is it? (A bear).
11. It is a green
It can swim and jump.
It likes to eat flies.
What is it? (A frog )
12. I can tell
you all the day.
Time to tell and time to play. (A clock)
8. Work with the
word puzzle.
Colours ( знайти 11сл.) Family ( знайти 11 сл. )
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T: And now it̕ s time for the jury to sum up the
results of our competition.
I hope you have enjoyed the English party. And
you understand that you must English study. Thank you very much for taking an
active part in our party.
Best wishes to you. Good –
What do you know about Great Britain?
1. What is the official name of the UK?
a. Great Britain b. the British
Isles c. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen
2. The UK consists of …......
a. England, Wales, Scotland b. England,
Wales, Scotland, Ireland c. England, Scotland, Ireland
3. What is the capital of the UK?
a. Belfast b. Edinburgh c. London
4. What are the symbols of England,
Scotland, Wales, Ireland?
a. shamrock, red rose, thistle, tulip b. red
rose, thistle, daffodil, shamrock
5. What is the flag of the UK?
6. Who is the head of the country?
a. Prince Philip b. Queen
Elizabeth c. Queen Catherine
7. What is the main sight(symbol) of the
a. Tower Bridge b. the Houses of
Parliament c. Big Ben
8. The British Isles are separated from
Europe by …..
a. the Irish Sea b. the Atlantic
Ocean c. the English Channel
9. The smallest country of the UK is …...
a. Wales b. Scotland c. England d.
10. The main rivers of the UK are ….
a. the Thames, the Severn b. the Lomond, the
Severn c. the Thames, the Missisippi
11. What are the largest cities of the UK?
a. Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow b.
Birmingham, Liverpool, Rome, Glasgow
12. Ben Nevis (in Scotland) is …..on the British Isles.
a. the deepest lake b. the highest
mountain c. the volcano
13. The lake Loch Ness (in Scotland) is famous for its
a. beautiful scenery b. monster c.
clear water
14. Stonehenge is a …..
a. mountain b. lake c.
ancient structure
15. What was Robert Burns?
a. a famous Scottish poet b. a famous
Scottish artist c. a famous Scottish scientist
16. What is the famous “Liverpool 4”?
a. a film b. a musical group c.
a football team
17. What is Snowdonia?
a. the National Park in Wales b. the valley
in Scotland c. the lake in England
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